Parish Webcams
We wish to advise that Masses will be broadcast over the internet. We will be broadcasting 24/7. The Operator of the system is Fr. Brendan Smyth, 10 Downpatrick Street, Crossgar BT30 9EA. Telephone number: 02844830229.
Any queries should be addressed to the operator
Welcome from Our Parish Priest
Hello and Welcome.
I begin by welcoming all new members to our Parish. Our website is seen as a means of highlighting all that goes on in the Parish of Kilmore and Killyleagh.
We are not a Parish that rest on their laurels but rather are active and vibrant. Three distinct communities based in and around our three churches.
We have a broad spectrum of age profiles in our Parish, stretching from the youngest to the eldest, and with our Parish Pastoral Council and Parish Finance Committee, we seek to make our communities inclusive, each as important as the other, but a coming together in that which unites us all - the living out of our faith in a secular world.
It is our desire that the Parish of Kilmore and Killyleagh be welcoming communities that prefer to see the strengths of each parishioner.
We pray that you may experience this warmth and welcome, and you will find that Crossgar, Teconnaught and Killyleagh are places to call your home.
Included are all the details of the sacramental life of the Parish and also a list of contact details to help in any given situation.
In Kilmore and Killyleagh we see no-one as strangers but rather friends.
Very Rev Brendan Smyth P.P.
I begin by welcoming all new members to our Parish. Our website is seen as a means of highlighting all that goes on in the Parish of Kilmore and Killyleagh.
We are not a Parish that rest on their laurels but rather are active and vibrant. Three distinct communities based in and around our three churches.
We have a broad spectrum of age profiles in our Parish, stretching from the youngest to the eldest, and with our Parish Pastoral Council and Parish Finance Committee, we seek to make our communities inclusive, each as important as the other, but a coming together in that which unites us all - the living out of our faith in a secular world.
It is our desire that the Parish of Kilmore and Killyleagh be welcoming communities that prefer to see the strengths of each parishioner.
We pray that you may experience this warmth and welcome, and you will find that Crossgar, Teconnaught and Killyleagh are places to call your home.
Included are all the details of the sacramental life of the Parish and also a list of contact details to help in any given situation.
In Kilmore and Killyleagh we see no-one as strangers but rather friends.
Very Rev Brendan Smyth P.P.
The Catholic Parish of Kilmore & Killyleagh. Both parishes have a shared history. Kimore and Killyleagh parishes were formally known as Kilmore Parish
Nestled in the heart of County Down, stretching from the shores of Strangford Lough at Killyleagh, to Teconnaught, neighbouring the diocese of Dromore. We have three Churches based in Teconnaught, Killyleagh with Crossgar at its centre. Three distinct communities, but united in faith and in our desire to love God, and to love our brothers and sisters of our faith and other faiths. We have two Parish Cemeteries, Holy Family Teconnaught and St Marys Killyleagh. For burial details click here |
Kilmore Parish embraces the monastic site of Inch Abbey within its boundaries. A holy water font used at the Abbey was donated to a former church 'The Rocks Chapel' and is now to be found at our church in Crossgar.
Killyleagh became a Parish of it own right in 1994 with Fr. Sean Cahill as its first parish priest. With Crossgar and Teconnaught retaining the name of Kilmore parish. 2017 has seen another mark in the history of both our parishes with the appointment of Fr. Brendan Smyth as the Parish Priest for both the Parishes of Kilmore and Killyleagh linking once again Killyleagh with its parent parish of Kilmore while retaining its independence. |
If you have recently moved into the Area and would like to register with the Parishes
Please click the button below
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Parish Office:
Tel: 02844 830229 Opening hours: Tue – Thurs 2pm-4.30pm |
Parish Priest
Very Rev. Brendan Smyth PP Parochial House, 10 Downpatrick Street Crossgar. BT30 9EA Tel: (028) 44830229 / 07966527165 |
E-mail: [email protected]
Church of the Immaculate
Conception & St Joseph Downpatrick Street,
Crossgar, BT30 9EA Mass Times
Sunday: 10:30am Eucharistic Adoration: Every Tuesday 10am-11am Confession Times On Request |
Church of St Mary
Star Of the Sea Irish Street,
Killyleagh, BT30 9QS Mass Times
Saturday: Vigil 5pm Eucharistic Adoration: Every Monday 10am-11am Confession Times On Request |
Church of
The Holy Family Drumnaconagher Road
Crossgar, BT30 9AN Mass Times
Saturday: Vigil 7:00pm Eucharistic Adoration: Every Sunday 4pm - 6pm Confession Times On Request |
Tobar Mhuire Retreat & Conference Centre Crossgar
For more information on Tobar Mhuire Retreat & Conference Centre, also the Passionist Community Click Here
O God, the Shepherd and Ruler of all Your faithful people, mercifully look upon Your servant Pope Francis, whom You have chosen as the chief Shepherd to preside over Your Church. We beg You to help him edify, both by word and example, those over whom he has charge, that he may reach everlasting life together with the flock entrusted to him. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. |